Wednesday, October 18, 2006

How cheap can we get

Seriously is there no limit for how cheap the Iraqi blood can get it just keeps going down and down and may be the next thing u know before they kill u they'll charge u a fair amount of money like it is a service that been offered to u or may be after they've killed u they'll just go to ur family saying "hey u owe us some money, we r the guys who killed ur son, show some gratitude u ungrateful people"....

Sorry for the rather harsh intro but I had to let out some steam...
This post is dedicated to a person I know, a follow human being his name is "Kareem", I don't know him very well to know his last name, Kareem is a simple guy with a small family, he worked hard for the sake of that family he may have done some mistakes in his life but he hadn't seriously hurt anyone intentionally, he wasn't in a death squad or anything he was just a normal guy trying to live his life with his family in the best way he had known...

So the question is WHY? why in the sake of God why? why in the sake of whatever the guys who killed him worship (if they do believe in anything cause I doubt it) why? is it because of money cause I assure u he doesn't have a lot,is it because of his job I know that he worked as a guard in a simple house and when he was killed he wasn't even there so what is it?, is it because of his doctrine cause I can assure u that it has nothing to do with that because we Iraqis have been living together far far before Saddam like brothers and we had never heard of any casualty because of a person's doctrine in Saddam's time or before so why now? some would claim that the freedom manifests things that were buried deep inside, well I can simply refute this claim since as I look at all the people around me -and I know quite a few people- I have never heard or saw or even felt that the difference in our doctrine would be an issue between us and also I can't even think of a Muslim that would kill a fellow Muslim unjustly after all what had been said in the Holy Quraan and said by our prophet about all the Muslims being brothers so it is rationally impossible for a person to kill his brother.
So if they r not Muslims then what r they well that is even more obvious question to answer "THEY BELIEVE IN NOTHING" except may be for the money that is being paid to them by whoever benefits from the chaos is Iraq and in the world if we r talking about terrorism since "Terrorism has no faith", I remember once that a certain person told me -and it has been said by a lot of people- that "Every terrorist is a Muslim but not every Muslim is a terrorist" well actually it is more like "Every terrorist pretends to be Muslim so every Muslim is an anti-terrorist".
In the end all I can say is "God bless ur soul Kareem" and for those who pretend to be Muslim all I can say is "God may respite but he never forget".
May God have his mercy upon u Kareem and upon all the Iraqi martyrs and God bless us all...


mewmewmew said...

This post is dedicated to a person I know, a follow human being his name is "Kareem", I don't know him very well to know his last name, Kareem is a simple guy with a small family, he worked hard for the sake of that family he may have done some mistakes in his life but he hadn't seriously hurt anyone intentionally, he wasn't in a death squad or anything he was just a normal guy trying to live his life with his family in the best way he had known...

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mewmewmew said...

We will have every Hizbollah women fucked by dogs.
We will send Phallus of ours into ass of All priests moslems.
We will have Khamenei and Rafsanjani and Ahmadinejad and Khatami and Akbar Ganji fucked by a great penis Of donkey and whale .

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