Now back to the subject what is so special about this exact day well actually it is the 9th of Muharam (first of the Arabic months) and anyone in Iraq knows what that means and why the 9th and the 10th of Muharam is special.
The 10th of Muharam is the day that Al-Hussein was murdered, he was a great man that we r in dept for himand will remain forever since if it wasn’t for him the line that separate right from wrong would have been blurred so he chose to sacrifice himself and his kin to straighten the path of Islam for us to take and he protected Islam (the message that his grandfather prophet Mohammed held to humanity).
So in the end I just hope that Muslims will appreciate the sacrifice of A-Hussein and that they will work together to keep the name of Islam high putting aside all their differences and arguments.
عظم الله اجورنا و اجوركم باستشهاد الامام و نسأل الله الثبات على الدين و الولاية,يا ابا عبد الله ياليتنا كنا معكم فنفوز فوزا عظيما